Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Winter Beauty Tricks: Keep Cold Weather From Taking It Out on Your Skin

Hey BFF'ers,
For me, winter signals holiday decorations and get-togethers, hot chocolate with marshmallows, and cozy wool capes in camel. But one thing that I can't stand about winter is the cold weather itself! Your hair gets blown out by high-speed winds (not in a gorgeous Marni Spring RTW 2011 fashion show kind of way), and the chilly temperatures can dry out your skin. Not cute. I thought I'd share with you guys some of the great beauty tips that I found on how to survive the winter blues.

First things first, remember to apply sunblock everyday. Even though it's cold, the sun's rays still do its damages on the skin, known to cause wrinkling and skin cancer.

Next up: keeping your skin moisturized. Avoid products containing alcohol; they are drying for the skin. Instead, be sure to use a mild facial cleanser (I love the one by Aveeno because it's a gentle non-drying formula!) and switch to a richer moisturizer. Use a hydrating mask about once a week to keep your skin soft and smooth.

Now what do you do about chapped lips? I don't know about you guys but it seems like no matter what I do, chapped lips are inevitable! Always remember to put on lip balm (I can't live without Smith's Rosebud Salve!), and more ultra chapped lips, try a heavier emollient, like the one by Aquaphor.

Those were my musts for winter. Now here are a few secret hints for more winter beauty woes:
**For rough elbows and heels, try a thick moisturizer on the elbows and an exfoliating scrub on the heels. Then apply a thin layer of Vaseline to both for an overnight moisture overhaul.

**Red nose like Rudolph? The cold causes blood vessels to expand, therefore causing red noses in many. Try using sunscreen or some other face protectant to create a barrier between your skin and cold winds. When you get indoors, apply a warm compress and the redness should subside.

**For red, dry eyes, protect them from wind, glare, and dry air by donning a pair of sunglasses (yes, in the winter!). Use eyedrops for bloodshot eyes.

**Protect your tresses by using a leave-in conditioner before applying any hot tools, like a blow dryer or curling iron

Now that you're winter-proofed, enjoy the season! ;)

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