Thursday, July 1, 2010

BFF's Summer Reading List

Let's face it- there is nothing quite like curling up in a hammock beneath the summer sun with a good romance novel, and then calling your BFF to gawk over the dreamy leading man.  However, we'll be the first to admit that the overly sappy and predictable love stories can quickly become- dare we say it- boring.  Where is the adventure? The gut wrenching twist?  Well, we've finally found a novel that encompasses suspense, shock, AND heartwarming romance.  (You're welcome.)

Trust us when we say that you will not be able to put down Nicholas Spark's The Guardian once you begin reading.  Sparks keeps readers gasping with disbelief at unexpected twists and simultaneously tearing up as we follow protagonist Julie in her guarded search for love.  Julie is like a breath of fresh air when compared to the typical female protagonist in romance novels- she is a strong confident woman who refuses to pity herself or play the "damsel in distress" role.  The highlight of the novel is Julie's goofy Great Dane and BFF, Singer, who's overly protective ways suggest that he has insight that his human counterpart does not.  Check out the description on the back of the book:

Julie Barenson’s young husband left her two unexpected gifts before he died – a puppy named Singer and the promise that he would always be watching over her. Now, four years later, twenty-nine year-old Julie is far too young to have given up on love. She may be ready to risk caring for someone again. But who? Should it be Richard Franklin, the sophisticated, handsome engineer who treats her like a queen? Or Mike Harris, the down-to-earth nice guy who was her husband’s best friend? Choosing one of them should bring her more happiness than she’s had in years. Instead, Julie is soon fighting for her life in a nightmare spawned by a chilling deception and jealousy so poisonous that it has become a murderous desire . . . The Guardian contains all the qualities readers expect from Nicholas Sparks. But here, he adds a new electrifying intensity – and page after page of riveting suspense.

We recommend reading this book at the same time as your BFF so you can coordinate phone calls to gasp over each twist and turn. If not, then definitely pass her your copy when you finish reading!


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